Swift Note : Types - Basics
Types. If you have studied any programming languages before, the first thing you do after “Hello, World!” is declaring variables to store numbers.
Types are very basics. But that doesn’t mean they are simples. They are the core fundamentals of programming languages and we even have lots of problems and bugs just because of types (look at Javascript and Typescript). And even on the Swift’s introductory document, it says Swift is a “type-safe” language as one of the key features of the language. “Type” a big deal if you spend some time on thinking about it.
Swift Note series will take steps into Swift’s language concept and the details need to be covered for Swift Noobs like me but who have experiences in other languages. Thus, I will assume you have a bit of Swift experience previously such as Structure, Protocol, Class, Inheritance, etc.
- This post is using Swift 5.6 version
1. Data Types
- Int
- Decimal signed integer. Defined as 64 bits in 64-bit Machines and 32 bits in 32-bit Machines
- For explicitly specified sizes, you can use Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64. There is no Short type!
- You can use underscore for a better text representation
- 1_000_000, 1_000_000.000_000
- For numeric literals, use 0b (binary), 0o (octal) and 0x (hexadecimal)
- Double
- 64-bit Floating-Point Value
- Float
- 32-bit Floating-Point Value
- Bool
- Boolean Value
- String
- Textural Data
- Character
- Single Textural Value
let catCharacters: [Character] = ["C", "a", "t", "!", "🐱"]
let catString = String(catCharacters)
So basics right? We might want to call them “primitive types” as we do in other languages. But…
Data types are Structures & Protocols under the hood!
All of the basic types in Swift—integers, floating-point numbers, Booleans, strings, arrays and dictionaries—are value types, and are implemented as structures behind the scenes. Swift Document
Which means… it is not the same primitives as we can see from other languages. Even though we are using them as Primitive-like types and they behave just like primitives, they are structures and that’s why we have extra attributes and instance methods.
Further Readings: Are Int, String etc. considered to be ‘primitives’ in Swift?
Keep in mind
- Default type of constant numeric symbols are Int and Double.
let intValue = 10
print (type(of:intValue))
// Int
let floatValue = 10.0
print (type(of:floatValue))
// Double
- Integer types contain static value of min, max and zero. Int Document
print (Int16.min)
// -32768
print (Int.max)
// 9223372036854775807
- For max and min value of Float and Double, need to import Darwin and use constant values
import Darwin
print (DBL_MIN)
print (FLT_MAX)
- use typealias to redefine type symbols for a better readability of the code. Similarily, typedef in C++.
typealias ImageBitRate = UInt32
var imagePixel: ImageBitRate = myImage(h, w)
2. Any
Any is a special type in Swift. It’s pretty much simlar as auto in C++ but yet different under the hood.
Any refers to “any” instance of a class, structure or enumeration. It means literally “everything”. If you mix multiple data type into Array, the type of array will be [Any]. But you cannot make swift to inference the type of the array though since mixed data type in a collection is not type-safe to operate lots of methods.
let intAny: Any = 1
let doubleAny: Any = 109.0
let valuesExplicitAny: [Any] = [1, 2, "Fish"]
let valuesExplicitAnyObject: [AnyObject] = [1, 2, "Fish"]
// Compile Error : type of expression is ambiguous without more context
let valuesImplicit = [1, 2, "Fish"]
// Compile Error : heterogeneous collection literal could only be inferred to '[Any]'; add explicit type annotation if this is intentional
3. AnyObject
AnyObject is a protocol that all classes implicitly conform. Swift Document
It is equivalent to id in Objective-C
class FloatRef {
let value: Float
init (_ value: Float) {
self.value = value
let x = FloatRef(2.3)
let y: AnyObject = x
let z: AnyObject = FloatRef.self
print (type(of:x))
print (type(of:y))
print (type(of:z))
That definition means AnyObject is only available for any class, class type or class-only protocols. In other words, AnyObject Protocol can be used to distinguish in between Value types and Reference types.
struct MyStruct {
let canIStoreStruct: AnyObject = MyStruct()
// error: value of type 'MyStruct' expected to be instance of class or class-constrained type
// let canI: AnyObject = MyStruct()
// ^~~~~~~~~~
// as AnyObject
AnyObject also can be used as a bridge to an Objective-C class such as NSString or NSNumber. Many value types (Primitives, Structure, Enumeration) in Swift bridge to Objective-C counterparts.
let s: AnyObject = "This is a bridged string." as NSString
print (s is NSString)
// true
let v: AnyObject = 100 as NSString
print (type(of: v))
// "__NSCFNumber"
Umm… it is a type of.. AnyObject.Type! Swift Document
What does this mean? we should take a look at “Metatype” first.
4. Metatype
What is Metatype?
Metatype is a type of a type. In the below code snippet, Widget is a class. Yes, you are correct. It is can be called as “type” as well. But let’s just use a deeper technical term here. Swift Document
When you have a class (blueprint) and assign a memory block in heap space, you call that memory “instance” of a class.
class CustomWidget {
static var instanceCount = 0
init () {
CustomWidget.instanceCount += 1
func draw() {
print ("I am drawing!")
class func currentCount() {
print ("We created \(instanceCount) widgets")
let newWidget: CustomWidget = CustomWidget()
“: CustomWidget” indicates newWidget is a reference constant which can contain CustomWidget class’s instances. It is a type of an instance.
“CustomWidget()” instantiate CustomWidget class’s instance.
On the code, newWidget can access draw() because it is an instance method. But it cannot access currentCount() since it is a type method.
Okay. then could you guess which result will come out of this code?
let newWidgetType = type(of:newWidget)
The answer is “CustomWidget.Type”, not just “CustomWidget”. What’s a difference?
let newWidgetType = type(of:newWidget)
print (newWidgetType)
In detail, CustomWidget class’s type is CustomWidget.Type, so called Metatype.
- CustomWidget : Name of your class & class itself
- CustomWidget.Type : Type of your class
So… AnyClass is
Cool! Now we have all the backgrounds to understand “typealias AnyClass = AnyObject.Type”.
AnyClass is a metatype of AnyObject
It is a type! which can contain other metatypes that “conform AnyObject Protocol” (or existential metatype).
print (type(of:AnyClass.self))
// AnyObject.Type.Protocol
We will cover this very soon.
Okay. Then what’s the advantage of storing and using metatype in the code? Since you can declare a variable that can store metatype, this is even possible.
var myWidgets = [CustomWidget]()
func createWidget<T: CustomWidget>(of: T.Type) -> T {
let widget = of.init()
print ("I just created a new widget #\(of.instanceCount - 1)")
return widget
// Compile Error!
// error: constructing an object of class type 'T' with a metatype value must use a 'required' initializer
// let widget = ofType.init()
// ~~~~~~ ^
Just pass a type that inherits CustomWidget class. Then it will create an instance and append to myWidgets array.
That code won’t compile though because Subclass’s Type is a subset of Class’s Type. Which means our CustomWidget.Type is also a subset of AnyObject.Type but compiler cannot assure any children actually have “required” constructors or not.
To fix the problem, you need to specify which initializer is a 100% necessary to be called and the most basic. StackOverflow
class CustomWidget {
static var instanceCount = 0
required init () {
CustomWidget.instanceCount += 1
func draw() {
print ("I am drawing!")
class func currentCount() {
print ("We created \(instanceCount) widgets")
Now you can call createWidget().
createWidget(of: CustomWidget.Type)
// error: global function 'createWidget(of:)' requires that 'CustomWidget.Type' inherit from 'CustomWidget'
// createWidget(of: CustomWidget.Type)
// ^
Oops, so many errors 😅 Let’s see what is wrong with the function parameter type.
func createWidget<T: CustomWidget>(of: T.Type) -> T {}
To access Type properties and methods, we need to get metatype “Type” value right? But even though we are saying “type” bunch of times, Metatype is yet just a type. That’s why passing CustomWidget.Type is completely wrong. Because we are just passing type, not a value of “CustomWidget.Type”
The answer is “.self”
createWidget(of: CustomWidget.self)
createWidget(of: CustomWidget.self)
//I just created a new widget #1
//I just created a new widget #2
Static Metatype, .self
In Swift, .self is called static metatype or “compile time type of an instance”. This code should look a lot comfortable for you now.
let myType: Int.Type = Int.self
We are storing Metatype value “self” in Int’s Metatype constant “myType”
Dynamic Metatype, type(of:)
On the other hand, what you get from type(of:) function is a “dynamic type” or “runtime type” Swift Document
let myNumberType: Any = 10
print (myNumberType.Type)
// error: value of type 'Any' has no member 'Type'
// print (myNumberType.Type)
// ~~~~~ ^~~~
print (type(of:myNumberType))
// Int
print (myNumberType.self)
// 10
During the compilation, myNumberType is an “Any” type but due to type assignment and conversion, the runtime type is Int.
But as we saw before, Any means literally “anything”. It cannot specify any attributes or extra information of your type during compilation. That’s why Any cannot have metatype, but AnyObject.
Protocol’s Metatype
It’s time to talk about existential metatype.
Class, Structure, Enumeration, Primitive type, they all have Metatype. But Protocol’s type is a bit different though.
protocol WidgetProtocol {}
let metatype: WidgetProtocol.Type = WidgetProtocol.self
// error: cannot convert value of type 'WidgetProtocol.Protocol' to specified type 'WidgetProtocol.Type'
// let metatype: WidgetProtocol.Type = WidgetProtocol.self
// ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// as! WidgetProtocol.Type
Error message says everything! WidgetProtocol.self is correct usage but the problem is at “WidgetProtocol.Type”.
“WidgetProtocol.Type” indicates I can store a metatype of which conforms WidgetProtocol. That is the difference in between Protocol’s metatype and other Class or Data type’s metatype.
Then how can we get the actual actual metatype of the protocol? Protocol has a special keyword for it, .Protocol.
print (type(of:WidgetProtocol.self))
// WidgetProtocol.Protocol
let metatype: WidgetProtocol.Protocol = WidgetProtocol.self
Now, metatype constant is storing a metatype of WidgetProtocol, not a metatype of class or structure that conforms WidgetProtocol.
3 Self
Okay I think we have been saying self too many times in everywhere. Let’s put them in handy to see what exactly they are.
1) self in instance (same as “this” in other languages)
class TextWidget : Widget {
var name: String
init () {
self.name = "TextWidget"
func printMyName() {
print (self.name)
You use self when initializing or accessing instance properties.
2) self as static metatype UITableView register()
let tableView = UITableView()
tableView.register(CustomCellWidget.self, forReuseIdentifier: "CustomCell")
If you’ve tried API fetching or board app samples, you have already had this code in your project.
Yes, register() takes cellClass: AnyClass? which is “typealias AnyClass = AnyObject.Type”! it takes metatype of classes as an argument. And also, that means you cannot pass Structure or Enumeration’s Metatype because it should be a child metatype of AnyObject.Type.
3) Self as a Type of a current Type.
extension Vector3 {
func normalized() -> Vector3 {
return Vector3(self.data.x / self.length,
self.data.y / self.length,
self.data.z / self.length)
extension Vector3 {
func normalized() -> Self {
return Self(self.data.x / self.length,
self.data.y / self.length,
self.data.z / self.length)
Self keyword can be used as a type of “current type”. By using Self rather than actual Type name, you can define type-independent protocols.
Further Readings
What’s .self, .Type and .Protocol? Understanding Swift Metatypes
AnyClass, Meta Type and .self
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